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Monday, April 30, 2012

Can't believe it is the last day in April!

I know I have been quiet on the blog lately, but I have been busy on the home front.  Just returned from a long visit with family and friends in Atlanta. Since our return I have been catching up around the house, and now Tball has started!  3 games this week alone!  WHEW!

In other news, we will also be moving to a different house, still in the same area, at the end of this month.  And before that happens, my entire family will be coming for a beach visit {they rented a house on Topsail Island} for an entire week.

Needless to say, without more details, I am going to be pretty busy the next month... however, just because I am quiet on here doesn't mean I can't whip up some bows!  It would give me a great excuse for some down time!

Let me know if anyone needs anything! And when life settles a bit I am hoping to start working on some ladies' bows!

--- XOXOXO ---


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bows in Action!

Check out Tay sporting the pigtails adorned by my basic bows! Love this!

Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Busy Bow Time

Today I have been super busy filling some bow orders!  Take a look at what I accomplished!

This is a variation of the Glitter Bow {click for original post}. They run $5 each or 2 for $8. This bow was made for a friend to go with her daughter's Easter dress which is white satin with lavender accents.

These were made for an upcoming birthday.  My sister-in-law placed the order and I am really pleased with the variety she chose.  I really love the way you, as customers, are able to completely customize your orders and end up with accessories that are able to totally match your recipient's personality!

Now this little darling here has a cute story behind it.  This afternoon as I was making bows I walked one or two across the street to my friend's house to get her opinion.  Her daughters have always been some of my best customers because the LOVE everything I make, and I LOVE that they LOVE them!  

Long story short, the littlest was so sad that the bow I had brought over wasn't for her. {insert frowny face hiding in the corner}.

Of course, that tugged at my heart strings and I made her tell me her favorite part of the Glitter Bow at the top of this post.  She loved how it was shiny and had lots of colors.  So, to go with her Tinkerbell shirt, I asked her if she would like me to make her a glittery, shiny bow like Tinkerbell... and the Fairy Bow was born.  I love how it is light and airy and shines whichever way you turn it.  

So there you have it!  A busy Thursday making BOWS!

Enjoy your Easter weekend everyone and REMEMBER!  Yes Easter is a blast with all the egg hunts, baskets, candy, etc.  But what I love most is that the REAL reason for Easter is about what our SAVIOR, Jesus Christ, did this week for us on the cross and how he rose again and lives in our hearts.  I like to think that on Easter, each little girl gets all dressed up {dresses, shoes, purses, bows, etc.} and truly feels like the REAL PRINCESS she is!  A DAUGHTER of the ONE, TRUE, KING!



Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter Week

Easter Bows mailed out last week!
We've been having a blast at my house reading the Easter Story and doing various activities to learn about one of the GREATEST weeks in history!

All that to say - I know things have been quiet on the blog lately, but I want to make sure you all get some good pictures of your littles wearing their Easter dresses and bows!  Can't wait to add some pictures to our album!

Sidenote - I will be heading to ATL next week so if you are in the area and need some bows, let me know now and I'll get them done and see your happy face as I hand them to you in person!!! 

